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Issue 50 |
August 16, 1999 |
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See how many Irish words you can find in the following: "As I was walking through the glen, a Tory looked at me cock-eyed so I hit him in the puss. He came back with a whole slew of his hooligan friends who broke my shillelagh into smithereens and threw me in the bog." Well, I imagine that shillelagh was obvious but did you realize that Tory, glen, cock-eyed, puss, slew, hooligan, smithereens and bog also come from Irish? Of course, by "Irish" we mean the ancient Gaelic language of Erin, not just English spoken with a thick brogue. The original meaning of tory was
"brigand", from Gaelic tòrachd "pursuing with hostile
intent". (Well, plus ça change...) The cock in cock-eyed comes from Gaelic caog "wink", and more particularly from caogshuileach "squint-eyed". Puss is simply the Irish Gaelic pus "lip", "mouth" and slew comes straight from the Irish slua(gh), "crowd", "multitude". Hooligan is not so straightforward. It arose in London in the 1890s and is thought to be derived from a rowdy family by the name of Hoolihan. The American equivalent of hooligan is hoodlum. Some claim hoodlum to be a reversal of a misspelling of the name Muldoon but this notion is almost certainly fanciful. In Australia a hooligan is sometiimes called a larrikin. This is frequently stated to have originated in an Irish policeman's mispronunciation of larking but, yet again, this seems to be a fiction.
Other good Irish words are shamrock (from seamróg, a diminutive of seamar "clover"), bard (Irish bàrd, from Old Celtic *bardo-s "poet-singer", "minstrel") and brogue (from brog "shoe", "sandal"). The use of brogue (also known as brogan) to mean "shoe" gave rise to its other meaning: an Irish accent. Presumably it meant the speech of one who wears brogues. In case you were wondering, the English for shamrock is "lesser yellow trefoil" and shillelaghs (Irish cudgels made of blackthorn or oak) are named after a village in County Wicklow.
From Ray:
Yes we can. However, in order to avoid hitting unsuspecting readers in the face with discussion of this word and its etymology, go here to read it. There you will also find etymologies of sh*t and d*mn. If you find these words offensive and would even be offended by reading a scholarly discussion of the words' origins, please do not follow the link. To be honest, it's a shame that we are forced to censor a scholarly discussion, but we must avoid the wrath of the family-based web-filtering programs.
From Ciril Mocnik:
Well, you've got pieces of one explanation that has been offered, though no proof of it has ever been found. That explanation, however, is that the word quiz was originally coined in the late 18th century by a Mr. Daly of Dublin, Ireland, who was a theater owner there. The purpose of this was presumably to draw attention to him and his theater. The story has it that Mr. Daly hired dozens of poor children to write the word in chalk on any available wall in the city of Dublin. Many are skeptical about this explanation, though it is first described as early as 1836. The word did appear in the late 18th century, and it meant "odd person" or, in verb form, "make fun of". It evolved to mean "peer at questioningly", and that meaning may be the source of today's meaning of "interrogate". One source attributes the development of the current meaning of quiz to its similarity in form to the words inquisitive and Latin quis? "who?, what?"
From Julia:
Photographer derives from photograph, which was supposedly first introduced by Sir John Herschel (Astronomer Royal to George III) in presentation of a paper to the Royal Society on March 14, 1839. The OED suggests that he derived the word by combining the first half of W.H. Fox Talbot's word photogenic and the second half of Joseph Niepce's word héliographie (French inventor Niepce made the first permanent photographic image in 1826; héliographie is "writing with sunlight"). Talbot is considered by many to be the father of photography. Unlike the modern photogenic, his word means "caused by light". Herschel introduced photography and photographic in the same presentation, but photographer did not appear in print until 1847 in the journal Photography (!). Oh, and yes, photograph is in fact formed from photo- Greek for "light" and -graph " write or delineate". Herschel trivia: In 1781, the German philosopher Georg
Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel published a treatise "proving" that, owing to the Herschel wanted to honor his royal patron by calling the new planet George. That never caught on but for a while it was called Herschel. Eventually, wiser heads prevailed and it was dubbed Uranus. (Question: How is George III like Uranus? ...oh, never mind.) To this day, the astronomical (and astrological) symbol for Uranus resembles a capital H, for Herschel. Herschel's observatory was situated in a sleepy little hamlet called Slough (rhymes with cow) near the royal palace at Windsor. Since becoming home to a large industrial estate, Slough is no longer a hamlet (though some would say it's just as sleepy). John Betjeman must have had this in mind in 1937 when he wrote a poem which began "Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough, it isn't fit for humans now". Of course, when war broke out in 1939, bombs really did "fall on Slough". It just goes to show that you should be careful what you wish for.
From Gail Froyen :
Good job with the praise, Gail!
Doily's etymology is simple: it comes from the name of a London
draper of the late 17th century, a Mr. Doylely. He must have sold a good lot of the
stuff to have his name attached to it - it was originally a lightweight and inexpensive
woollen cloth for summer wear. By As you mentioned, some people call a doily used on furniture an antimacassar. This word arose in the mid-19th century and demonstrates what those ornamental coverings did: they protected the furniture from macassar. Macassar was the name given to a hair oil made very popular in the early 19th century. It was advertised as containing oil from Macassar, which is the former name of Ujung Pandang, a district on the island of Celebes in Indonesia. Apparently exotic hair oil was quite the rage in the first half of the 19th century, another popular hair pomade being made from bear fat! (This gave rise to the curious practice of placing stuffed bears outside English barber shops.) The antimacassar is also known as a tidy, which term came into use at about the same time. Melanie's grandmother used to make doilies from the string used to tie bags of horsefeed!
From William Riddell:
The Anglo-Saxons' term for a "godparent" was godsibb, a compound formed from god "God" (just as in modern English godmother, godfather, etc.) and sib "kinsman" (a word of unknown origin from which modern English gets sibling. There are cognates in several other Germanic languages). It denotes one's "relative in God", one's "spiritual relative". By Middle English times, however, the word had lost a bit of prestige and had come to mean simply "close friend", and by the 16th century it was being used for "one who indulges in idle talk", perhaps because "close friends" divulge secrets to each other, and often then divulge those secrets to others. The modern sense "idle talk" developed from the verb in the 19th century.
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