The word origin webzine

boxTake Our Word For It has been on the internet for 18 years!  It started as a Q&A site regarding etymology, and it grew into a weekly, then monthly (then never) webzine.  After a long hiatus, it's back.  I'm not exactly sure what the publishing schedule will be.  Your best bet is to sign up for the newsletter to be notified of new issues, or subscribe to us on Facebook and/or Twitter for more immediate updates.

See the menu bar above for back issues, search capability, frequently asked questions, and more.

While I update the sadly outdated site design (I hope all of TOWFI's old friends appreciate the font change!), I will likely publish mostly in the blog and provide micro-etymologies via Twitter.

Feel free to send your word-origin queries.  I may address them in the blog or on Twitter while the site is under construction.

The current issue and most back issues contain five segments:

    Spotlight: where a single word or group of words is discussed

    Words to the Wise: Where readers' questions are answered

    Curmudgeons' Corner: Where guests and I write about our language pet peeves

    Sez You...: Where letters to the TOWFI editor are published

    Laughing Stock: Usually a funny image or snippet from a reader

I may change this format in the future.  Only time will tell!