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Laughing Stock |
Engrish First off, we would like to say that we have nothing against the Japanese. In fact, we love sushi, we compose haiku and have even studied Zen Buddhism. It's just that some Japanese corporations really should consult an English-speaker before launching products bearing English text. Or maybe not, it would deprive us of some delightful reading. We found this food container in our local Asian supermarket. Its carton reads like goofy poetry... |
In case you can't read that, it says: KEEP FRESH BOX ATTACHED WITH WIND HOLE The cover of the food container pictured on the box carries the words "Dsak Frssi". Unlike Kodak which was devised to be pronounceable in as many languages as possible, "Dsak Frssi" is meaningless in all known human languages. As if that were not enough, the side of the carton declares: Yes, that's right, it does say "Before abplfing, please check with up and Bottom wind-Hole". The container had only one vent and that was on the top, so whatever was meant by "Bottom wind-Hole" we leave to your imagination. |
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Last Updated 02/03/01 04:52 AM