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About Take Our Word For It

Melanie started this page in 1994, and at that time it was known as The Logical World of Etymology.   She met Mike through their mutual interest in etymology, and now they collaborate on the site, which they renamed Take Our Word For It in 1997, and which is now an endeavor of the Institute for Etymological Research and EducationRead more about M&M.


Word Origins TOWFI has been selected as one of the best educational resources on the Web by StudySphere. StudySphere is one of the Internet's fastest growing sites of educational resources for students, teachers and parents. StudySphere has scoured the Internet to select only the finest sites to be included within its listing of educational links. gave us their Academic Excellence Award.  They say, "StudyWeb® is one of the Internet's premier sites for educational resources for students and teachers. Since 1996, our expert reviewers have scoured the Internet to select only the finest sites to be included in StudyWeb's listing of educational links. Each site in StudyWeb® includes a detailed review describing its editorial and visual merits."'s Best of the Web Guide gives use FIVE STARS!  Suite 101 is where you'll find "real people helping real people".  Click on the link at left to join and help support Take Our Word For It at the same time!
Compton's Encyclopedia Online's entry on etymology points directly to Take Our Word For It!
Spotlight Award from, the library and reference information portal of the Web, brings valuable research information together with  insightful editorial in one convenient, user-friendly spot.  Take Our Word For It won LibrarySpot's award in September, 1999.
Cybermomdotcom Medal This site won The CyberMom Dot Com Site of the Day Award in September, 1996.  Thanks, Mom!   We'll get matching tattoos in your honor!
frontpag.gif (9866 bytes) We were also awarded the Education Index Award.  Thank you to the critter wearing the cool shades!
kipaward.gif (14271 bytes) This award comes from the Knowledge is Power site. Thanks, KIP!


Read a bit about Melanie, Mike and Take Our Word For It in the December, 1998 issue of Yahoo! Internet Life.

Melanie gets credit for having Yahoo! create an etymology sub-category under their linguistics category, and, you guessed it, this site was the first etymological site listed there.

In the July, 1996 issue of The Net magazine, you can find a review of this site under its former name, The Logical World of Etymology.

Netscape Search's editors have this to say about Take Our Word For It: "The award-winning etymology webzine. Each week, Mike and Melanie bring their erudition and wit to bear on readers' queries about the origin of English words and phrases. The site also includes back issues, a little theory and a few 'easter eggs'."

frontpag.gif (9866 bytes) Sign our guestbook with any comments, suggestions, or impersonations of Homer Simpson that you might like to share.  Do not send etymological queries to the guestbook.  See the rules page for how to submit a query.
frontpag.gif (9866 bytes) View our guestbook.  See the huge amounts of praise (and occasional complaints) lavished upon us!

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2003 TIERE
Last Updated 10/08/06 10:36 PM